
I realize that seeking services, particularly psychological assessment services, requires an investment in not only time, but money. I strive to be as up-front with costs as possible.

 Therapy or Consultation

  • $150.00 per hour / $75 per half hour
  • Urgent scheduling: plan to add $50 to rate

Testing/Psychological Assessment 

*As of October 1, 2024, I am changing from a flat-rate fee for psychological testing to per-hour model. If you have a previous good faith estimate with a planned fee, your estimate will be honored up to one year from date of estimate.

  • $150.00 per hour for Intake / Initial Interview
  • $250.00 per hour for Direct Assessment
  • $200.00 per hour for Planning, Preparing, Scoring, Analyzing, Report Writing
  • $150.00 per hour for feedback 
  • Urgent testing scheduling: plan to add $50 per hour to standard rate

In order to keep fees reasonable, clients can elect to have a simplified report or summary; a full report routinely takes the equivalent number of hours of direct testing. A simplified summary will be limited to a summary page of strengths and weaknesses, and up to 2 pages that outlines and supports diagnostic findings and recommendations. Full testing results/data can be added as an addendum. A simplified summary is estimated take about half the time as a traditional report.

Types of testing evaluations that are available (please note evaluations can be completed for children and adults):

  • Child developmental, psychological, and/or learning evaluations
  • Evaluations to screen for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Evaluations to screen for autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
  • Evaluations to screen for trauma, mood, or anxiety
  • Brief neuropsychological screenings
  • Bariatric procedure psychological clearance evaluations
  • Pain Stimulator procedure psychological clearance evaluations
  • FAA Fast Track psychological evaluations
  • Forensic evaluations for family court
  • If you do not see an evaluation type that meets your needs, please contact me and I will let you know if I have the ability and competency to help you.

*Rates are guaranteed once you’ve booked your service, but rates and fees are subject to change on occasional review.

You can possibly utilize Out-of-Network insurance benefits.

You can contact your insurance company and ask if you have out-of-network mental health coverage. If you need to provide a “CPT code” or “service code, you can provide the following codes:

  • 90791 – Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation
  • 90832 – Individual Therapy (30 minutes)
  • 90834 – Individual Therapy (45 minutes)
  • 90837 – Individual Therapy (60 minutes)
  • 96130 – Psychological Testing (1st hour)
  • 96131 – Psychological Testing (each subsequent hour)
  • 96136 – Psychological Administration (1st 30 minutes)
  • 96137 – Psychological Administration (each subsequent 30-minute units)

I can provide you with a “superbill” that outlines the work that I completed for the insurance company that will have all the information they need for you to submit. The insurance company may or may not reimburse you for some of the cost, and/or they may apply the costs to your deductible. *I am currently NOT able to provide a superbill for Medicare. You may also want to ask the insurance company:

  • If your plan includes out-of-network benefits
  • What your deductible is
  • What, if any, your co-insurance payment is
  • How many visits or hours you may get per year
  • If you need authorization for your visits
  • How to submit the superbill, once I provide that to you

You can apply for a sliding scale adjustment to your fee based on your/your family’s annual income.

The Sliding Fee Discount Program will be offered to all patients with annual incomes at or below 200 percent of the most current Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG). Dignity and confidentiality will be respected for all who seek and/or are provided mental health care services.

You can request information and an application for sliding scale consideration to minimize the financial impact on your family. In order to complete the application, you must supply at least 2 forms of identification and proof of income (i.e., W-2) for all members of your household. The process of applying might be somewhat cumbersome, but it aligns with best practices for a sliding scale program and discount of up to 25% may be offered. This discount may NOT be combined with other discount options.

Sliding scale discounts are offered in good faith. If a patient verbally expresses an unwillingness to pay or vacates the premises without paying for services after an agreement is made, the patient will be contacted in writing regarding their payment obligations. If the client does not make effort to pay or fails to respond within 60 days, this constitutes refusal to pay. At this point in time, I can explore options not limited to, but including referring the client to collections.

Potential discount for paying the WHOLE cost of services prior to the start of assessment/treatment.

I reserve the right to offer a discount to individuals who pay for an assessment in full, anytime up until the first session begins.

For counseling/coaching individuals, this may mean paying for a pre-determined number of sessions. For example, after meeting the first time (called an “intake”), we may decide to work together for 6 sessions; each session costs a flat-rate fee. By paying in advance of those sessions, you may be eligible for a discount by paying for those in full prior to the first session.

For testing and assessment clients, this may mean paying for the assessment in full any time prior to the first testing session. This discount may NOT be combined with other discount options.

Why don’t you participate with insurance?

It’s a valid question. Using insurance often reduces cost for you, both in- and out-of-network, and I know that’s an important factor when seeking an evaluation. I have several reasons, however, for not participating with insurance. First, selfishly, it takes a great deal of extra time and energy for me to submit and appeal claims – time not spent on your case. Insurance also takes a long time to process, so that if you have a deductible or coinsurance, you’re often paying me months after the service is completed. Also, insurance companies do not provide me a reimbursable rate that is nearly acceptable, given that it is such a technical and specialized service being provided.

To understand more about how insurance has been a challenge in mental health, you can read here an article posted by NPR. 

However, while the financial outlay may be more inconvenient to you, there are some additional reasons that not using insurance may benefit you ~

Insurance will want to dictate what testing can be done and will not reimburse certain types of testing

Insurance will often not cover educational or learning disability testing. This may include cognitive (IQ) testing, academic or learning assessments, or personality/behavior assessments. Often they will not cover testing for ADHD. The rationale is that this testing should be done by schools – but families often need external evaluations to make sure their children are receiving appropriate learning supports at school.  It’s chicken or the egg – insurance often won’t cover the testing needed to determine what the diagnosis might be.

Insurance companies also want evaluations to be “medically necessary” and require a diagnosis. You should know that if you or your child utilize insurance, any diagnosis I provide becomes a permanent part of your medical record. In some cases, this is good – because you get services associated with that diagnosis. But in other cases this can be a detriment – you may not want my findings to become a permanent part of your medical record – you have no control over he may sees your record, which can affect future insurance choices, school options, or future employment situations. With paying privately, you have much greater control over who knows about your diagnosis and when and how it is used. Even if you request a superbill (which I may be able to provide you, based on your insurance), you will find the work I complete may not entirely match the superbill because of the way insurance processes the scope of service (by hour, rather than by service).

Privacy and Choice

I’m also better able to protect your privacy. When you participate with insurance, psychologists try to minimize the amount of clinical information is released to insurance (just dates of service, codes, etc.), but psychologists can be audited at any time, meaning your (or your child’s) records must be made available to the insurance company and, quite possibly, various other “third party entities” (such as government agencies). With privately paying for your evaluation – with the exception of special cases (e.g., issuance of a court order, or in situations where someone’s life or safety is threatened) – I will never release your records without your written authorization. 

Often insurance companies want me to submit a pre-authorization, which states which tests I would want to give and how much time I believe it will take. Insurance companies have the authority to not approve testing that I think is necessary, which means the evaluation may not be as thorough as both you and I want it to be. Paying privately means you get to consent to what tests are administered, who you choose to be assessed by, and what to do with the results when you receive them.


When you utilize insurance benefits, sometimes you’ll have a copay, sometimes co-insurance, sometimes a deductible. While the psychologist has a standard hourly rate they may charge, the insurance will determine the allowable rate, and then will determine how much you will be responsible for. When all is said and done, you may be left with more questions than answers. Often we’re waiting on what the insurance company will say, and then it will drag out the payment process to long after the testing will be complete – an inconvenience for BOTH you and me.

 There are no surprises, or possibilities of “extra” fees or “hidden” costs. Under the “No Surprises Act,” effective 1/1/2022, you will know what your fee is prior to the start of service, and that does not change without mutual understanding and a new agreement (find more information about No Surprises Act here: https://www.apaservices.org/practice/legal/managed/no-surprises-act).

Now providing Psychology Services to the Greater Myrtle Beach, SC area: Myrtle Beach, North Myrtle Beach, Carolina Forest, Conway, and region

 info@juliekeenpsyd.com for all inquiries



Copyright 2023 - Julie Keen, PSYD